Create a MAPPING node and attach it to the document.
Create a SCALAR node and attach it to the document.
Create a SEQUENCE node and attach it to the document.
Add a pair of a key and a value to a MAPPING node.
Add an item to a SEQUENCE node.
Delete a YAML document and all its nodes.
Create the DOCUMENT-END event.
Get a node of a YAML document.
Get the root of a YAML document node.
Create the DOCUMENT-START event.
Flush the accumulated characters to the output.
Set the preferred line break.
Set if the output should be in the “canonical” format as in the YAML
Set the indentation increment.
Set a generic output handler.
Set if unescaped non-ASCII characters are allowed.
Set the preferred line width. -1 means unlimited.
Free any memory allocated for an event object.
Create a MAPPING-END event.
Create a MAPPING-START event.
Parse the input stream and produce the next YAML document.
Parse the input stream and produce the next parsing event.
Scan the input stream and produce the next token.
Set a generic input handler.
Create a SEQUENCE-END event.
Create a SEQUENCE-START event.
Create the STREAM-END event.
Create the STREAM-START event.
Free any memory allocated for a token object.